Sunday, May 4, 2008

Image Capture from Final Environment

Final Environment looking over outside Studio/ Goodall's Studio

Looking towards wall with Goodall's Studio in the foreground

Looking into Goodall's Studio space/ inhabitation space for her gorillas

This space relates to my quote as it uses the study of animals in a natural environment to extend the understanding of our own existence. It is through this suspended cube that a distinctive shape is created, giving connotations of being imprisoned.
Looking into the Meeting place for both clients

The meeting place is a metaphor for the progressive steps taking in evolution. this links to Hawkings in the sense that he is searching for the meaning of the universe and also to Goodall, as she is studying the ape, the main theory behind our evolution of existence.

Looking into Hawkings Studio Space

This space achieves a feeling of the marrige of space and light involved in the outer reaches of the universe. the dark interior is linked to the search for the ultimate theory, the universe and space. It created a feeling of inferiority in such a daunting space

“Only if we care about human life long enough to find the ultimate theory will we be helped by previous generations and ultimately be saved by the limit of discovery”

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