Friday, May 9, 2008

Client-Donatella Versace

Versace told German newspaper Die Zeit, "I can understand (trousers) are comfortable but she's a woman and she is allowed to show that. She should treat femininity as an opportunity and not try to emulate masculinity in politics."

Donatella did add that "I admire her for her determination, which will hopefully take her to the White House."

Fer chrissakes, it's not like Hil is Ace-bandaging her tats and rocking a dildo in her trousers. She's all business, and you need to be when you've got a philanderer for a husband. She needs to be able to roll up on a bitch at any moment in serious-looking pantsuits and slap the shit out of them and then order it covered up. You know she threatened Monica Lewinsky's ass at some point. And where the hell does Donatella get off? She's got a mug like a purse from the 1970's.

Harvey,J 2007,Donatella Versace Feels Hilary Clinton Needs to Ease up on The Butch’, A Socialties Life, 9 February, accessed 9 May 2008,

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